Monday, December 10, 2007

Letter Addressing Screwup...

You might have read on Becca's Blog about me putting the address stickers for about 100 different envelopes on the wrong side - if you haven't, click here.


I can offer no defense for my actions, other than the fact that I haven't addressed an envelope for years.

The funny thing is that Becca's intuition ALMOST prevented her from letting me help her address the letters - I pretty much begged to help against her better judgment... weird huh?

The moral of the story is DON'T LET YOUR HUSBAND HELP OUT EVER!!!


Georganne said...

Was this one of those CONVENIENT mistakes so you don't have to help with other things?

Scar Belly said...

No, I'm just an idiot sometimes.

Georganne said...

I don't believe it.

Scar Belly said...

"Never attribute to malice that which can be explained by idiocy"