This week I am at the FOB
What is a FOB? It's basically like a prison, surrounded by guard towers and concertina wire, only you're trying to keep people OUT instead of keeping people IN.
Wiki definition
Of course, my FOB isn't a "real" FOB - it just simulates the suckiness of one. Here's a mental picture - 160 guys sleeping in a giant tent on bunk beds.
Anyways, I'll stop complaining since I don't have it bad seeing as how I can still strap on my M4 and wander down to the dining facility to get on the internet.
Dedication to Becca
I ended up spending this past weekend at the barracks because I got screwed into pulling 6 hours of CQ duty - long story. Anyways, I finally saw The Dark Knight and I caught up on my sleep.
While eating lunch at the PX food court, I heard this cool song by Alicia Keys - I have been listening to it a lot (since I'm an obsessive compulsive freak) and I want to dedicate it to my one and only Becca - love you baby!
Dude that is so cool that you sing to Eli. I sing to Cash sometimes when I am putting him to bed. Most of the time its " Miss American Pie" but everyonce in awhile I will relive the good 'ol days when I would kareoke and slur out loose rendition of "Ice Ice Baby" Only now I dont slur as much. :)
Alicia Keys is so hot.
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